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Thursday, January 7, 2010


(Genesis 1:2)

I have always been told that a picture is worth a thousand words. But as I read His Word, I understand that God is not speaking merely words to us, but that many of the words He uses are "picture" words, that suddenly create in my mind many wonderful illustrations of God Himself. In effect, God often used words to "draw pictures" of Himself, so that we can gain a more intimate understanding of Him. There is so much to understand and know about God, more than you or I are capable of comprehending. But, by drawing word pictures of Himself, we are able to "see" more of God as we read His word. Sometimes, a word is worth a thousand pictures.

As we read the Creation Story in Genesis, we clearly see God as The Creator. Information is given, very matter-of-factly, in just a few words. On first reading, we seem to think we are being given just the bare details of God and His work. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..and God said, Let there be light..." You can't get much more basic than that explanation. But, if you look closely at each word, suddenly a word "picture" pops out from among these basic details, and you are given a much bigger view of the creation process and our Creator. We begin to learn more intimate details about The God of Creation, and discover by verse two, that He is also God the Father.

Consider for a moment a parent. A parent is one who loves, protects, guards, cares, and fusses over his offspring. The preparation for caring and protecting, begins even before the "big day" arrives when the baby is finally delivered and brought home. A crib must be bought, walls painted and decorated in the nursery, supplies of baby powder and diapers must be stored, clothes selected, and toys carefully placed within the new nursery. Excited and anxious parents scurry about in the nursery, making sure that everything is just right. They proudly show off the nursery to others who may come by to get a sneak preview, in those long weeks before baby arrives. The whole house is in a flurry of activity, and every thought and waking moment is with baby in mind. Each detail is carefully thought out and planned, so that when baby arrives, he will be surrounded with comfort and love. We can look to other areas of nature, and see that same flurry of excitment, care, and love taken by mothers and fathers. All nature seems to prepare and welcome the coming of children.

In The Creation Story, one word paints a picture for us of our God preparing for our arrival. We have probably read that one little word hundreds of times, but have missed the deeper meaning intended to be conveyed to us through it. That one word is such a commmon one, that we mistakenly think we understand its full meaning. But one little common word can have a much deeper meaning than we ever imagined.

"The Spirit of God MOVED upon the face of the waters."
(The word "moved" is from the Hebrew word "Rachaph" which means to brood, as a tender loving mother bird.)

The Spirit of God MOVED. Reading this, we immediately sense activity. The Creator is active. By His Spirit He is moving, working and acting. But, this little word, that is such an ordinary word in our vocabulary, has a special meaning in this creation story. Not only is the Creator active, and His work full of energy, but that work is motivated by love, compassion, and tenderness of a parent. The Spirit of God moved, hovered, or brooded, over His creation just as a mother bird would brood over the nest of eggs. God wants us to know that even as He began His creative work, He was acting as a concerned and loving parent, brooding, caring, fussing, and scurrying about the face of the waters, eager and excited about creating a nesting place for His young. He tells us that the earth was without form, and it was empty. His purpose was to prepare the earth for habitation, and fill it with His children. So, as a mother bird builds the perfect nest, in the perfect place, God the Creator and Father, is actively preparing the perfect place for His children.

What a wonderful picture God has drawn, illustrating the love and care He had for us, even before mankind was created. All of creation had as its purpose to be a perfect place for man to grow, learn, live and love. And our loving Father has always cared for us, even before we were created. The next time you see a mother or father bird hovering and brooding over a nest prepared for the expected young, let it remind you of your Heavenly Father, and the love and care He has for you.

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